Men's Health Week

Men’s Health Week

Men’s health week is from the 9th – 15th June 2014. We noticed there is a survey that helps men to assess their health risk and we thought that we should encourage our male patients or family members to have a go at completing the survey and perhaps take a look at some strategies to improve their health.
The site that hosts the survey posted the following information:
  • NZ Men live on average four years less than women, and yet still remain much less likely to talk to a GP about their health.
  • Latest statistics available tell us that one New Zealand man dies every three hours of a potentially avoidable illness; with death rates for Maori men nearly double that of non-Maori (Statistics NZ).
  • 6 out of 10 New Zealand males are overweight.
  • Nearly a quarter of New Zealand men smoke.
  • 27% of men have potentially hazardous drinking patterns.
  • Men have fewer years free from disability and poor health (Health and Independence Report 2005, MOH).
Latest research shows that men are at greater risk of stroke than women, with stroke being the second biggest single cause of death and the largest cause of disability in adults in New Zealand. We’ve got to get more men taking the simple steps to prevent early death and disability.
So, we hope that if you have a few minutes to spare and you’re a male, that you will complete the survey and check your health score.
Click this link to the survey.